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Ouverture de We The Net !

We The Net est un espace de réflexion sur les enjeux démocratiques de la liberté de communication sur Internet. Il s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un travail de thèse réalisé à l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, sous la direction de Marcela Iacub. Projet de recherche. Dans l’après-midi du 10 juin 2009, le Conseil constitutionnel français rendit une décision historique dans laquelle il affirmait : « Considérant qu’aux termes de l’article 11 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 :  »La libre communication des pensées et des… Lire la suite »Ouverture de We The Net !

Net Neutrality Is Digital Free Speech

Just as the U.S Congress is about to debate the Internet Freedom Preservation Act, and before the Telecom Package discussion resumes later this fall, one could regret that the concept of openness of our communications infrastructure is not more salient in the public debate. What is about anyway? And why does it matter? An open communications infrastructure is developed and used according to the concept of network neutrality. Net neutrality relies on the principle that network management should be free of restrictions regarding content, application and platforms, or the kind… Lire la suite »Net Neutrality Is Digital Free Speech

Internet Is a Fundamental Right, French Constitutional Court Says

Yesterday at 5P.M, the French Constitutional Council – in charge of checking the conformity of legislation with the Constitution – rendered a groundbreaking decision regarding the highly controversial “three strikes law” (or graduated response), passed last month by Parliament to fight illegal downloading. The law established a penalty amounting to the suspension of downloaders’ internet connection without appropriate judicial safeguards. Yet, the Constitutional Council affirmed in very strong words that under no circumstance should people’s freedom of expression and communication be denied by a non-judiciary authority (in this case, and… Lire la suite »Internet Is a Fundamental Right, French Constitutional Court Says