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Je suis chercheur associé au Centre Internet et Société du CNRS et depuis 2009 membre de La Quadrature du Net, une association dédiée à la défense des droits humains dans le contexte d’informatisation.

My research blends political history and theory, law as well as media and technology studies to look at the political history of the Internet and computing, power practices like surveillance and censorship, the algorithmic governmentality of the public sphere, and more broadly the digital transformation of the state and of the security field.

I have worked as an research assistant at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, as a post-doc at the Center for International Studies au Centre de recherches internationales de Sciences Po and the Institute for Communications Science of the CNRS. In the Fall of 2021, I was a visiting researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

Recent publications

Contre-histoire d’Internet

Through an intersecting history of the state and the political struggles associated with the means of communication, this book explains why the emancipatory project associated with the Internet has been derailed, and how new technologies are being used for ever greater social control.

Odyssée 2.0

Odyssey 2.0 is a photographic and literary journey loosely inspired by Homer's myth that follows Ulysses' peregrinations within the Technopolis, a fictional, dystopian "Smart City", to invite critical reflection on the increasing technologization of social control.

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