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The State and Digital Surveillance in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Texte intialement publié sur le site du CERI. En février dernier, alors que l’épidémie de Covid-19 battait son plein en Chine, le monde entier assistait avec stupeur la mise en place de mesures draconiennes destinées à juguler la propagation de l’épidémie. En parallèle des mesures de confinement généralisé en vigueur dans la province d’Hubei, les autorités chinoises mettaient en scène un appareil techno-policier impressionnant. Conçu en lien avec les grandes plateformes numériques du pays comme Alibaba, Tencent ou Baidu, et quoique son efficacité réelle soit sujette à caution, il était… Read More »The State and Digital Surveillance in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Post-Snowden Contention: The Case of France

Last week, I attended the 7th Biennial Surveillance & Society Confrence in Barcelona, where I presented a paper entitled: « From Deep State Illegality to Law of the Land: The Case of Internet Surveillance in France. » Download the paper This paper (update: now published by Media and Communication in a special issue on « Post-Snowden Internet Policy » – pdf) aims to contribute to cross-country comparisons of the consequences of post-Snowden contention for the techno-legal apparatus of modern forms of secret state surveillance. Taking France as a case-study, it reflects on the ongoing… Read More »Post-Snowden Contention: The Case of France

Insurgent Citizenship Online & the Struggle Over Free Speech in “Established” Democracies

Below is an input statement presented at the 20th New Faces Conference, held on February 27– March 2, 2014 in Istanbul on “Citizenship and Political Participation in the Mediterranean Region”. It is a shorter version of another paper summing ongoing doctoral research. It was also published and translated in Greek on the Artivist e-Magazine. The Internet is bringing about a new era for freedom of expression and association, as we move toward a more horizontal, diverse and citizen-centric public sphere. The Arab Spring uprisings in 2011 provided a stark illustration of… Read More »Insurgent Citizenship Online & the Struggle Over Free Speech in “Established” Democracies